0800 233 5000

In partnership with Trading Standards, worrying when choosing tradespeople has become a thing of the past!

Trading Standards Approved Tradespeople


Register to the scheme

You can register online or by calling 0800 233 5000. It takes seconds to register. You’ll be glad you did!

Create your job and post

Post your job and we’ll instantly match your request to the relevant Trading Standards approved tradespeople.

Call your tradesperson

Receive up to 3 tradespeoples profiles. Telephone tradespeople to organise a day to be quoted.


Rate your tradesperson

When you’ve had your job done, log in to your account and rate your tradesperson based on your experience.

Live Directory of Professional (Non-Home Improvement) Services

Furniture Assembly, Computer Services, Hair & Beauty, Garage & MOT Services, Rubbish Removal, & More!

Goldstar Trade Frames

Manufacturers Of Windows & Doors To The Trade

Approved Tradespeople (Not Live Directory)

  • Have been approved by Trading Standards

    Tradespeople providing home improvement services will have been approved by Trading Standards.

  • Have undergone identity and bankruptcy checks

    Home improvement tradespeople who fail to verify their identity or are bankrupt will not be eligible for our scheme.

  • Have had a face-to-face meeting

    Tradespeople that carry out home improvements will have had a one-to-one meeting with a No Rogue Traders Here representative.

  • Have had their qualifications verified

    Tradespeople legally required to be licensed, such as electricians and gas engineers, have provided written proof.

  • Have proven that all certification is up to date

    We hold evidence on file for City & Guilds, diplomas, and other certifications, all of which are checked and updated annually.

  • Have proven insurances are up to date

    Home improvement tradespeople will have had their public liability insurance and any other type of insurances checked and updated annually.

  • Are continuously monitored regarding quality and price

    We aim to gather customer feedback for all home improvement work and monitor the prices charged.

  • Are fully committed to our customer charter

    No stone will be left unturned with our comprehensive checks, and all approved tradespeople are fully committed to our customer charter.

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